Finally, with a better idea of the investment, I care a bit more about what I choose to work on. Giving an hour or even 30 mins every day will not screw your health. Great! This time should included dedicated reading instruction, beginning grammar and writing, as well as dedicated time spent to math. I’ve never had any programming job where even 50% of my day was spent writing software. There was a time in my life when I would wake-up, OK I need to get-up. How Long Should You Exercise a Day to Lose Belly Fat? Never again! here’s my github: When driving a long distance, you should take breaks amounting to 45 … Let me know if this technique does, or doesn’t, work for you – I’m very interested in hearing additional anecdotes! Thank you for writing.,,, Living longer and healthier and spending time with the people I care about is far more important than the side projects. This suggestion could help improve my favorite side work, by not cramming 7 hours in the dark between Saturday and Sunday. We check code style because some developers do not use the automated code formatter inside the IDE (I know they should!). But I would reduce this only to working days and have weekend for the family or just to have fun/relax – without even having to touch my computer. I plan to do so much on on weekends and I get depressed for not completing the TODOs. this is something I’ve been trying out recently. I still work on refactors, docs and similar stuff some of the days. etc. It does seem that you have hit on a method that works for you. And if you start at 9:30 p.m., you can be in bed by 10. It can take up the whole hour I’ve set aside in the early morning for my side projects. It not only allows me to remain enthused about what I’m doing and provides something to show to friends but also journalises how much has been accomplished. Glad to know more experienced guys also see the benefit. If you are in a relationship then you are doing yourself and your partner disservice. In an ideal world I would be working on the things that interest me within the working week only and dropping all computer based work evenings and weekends, but I suspect that if the code projects I was working on the day were self motivated or more interesting I would still be at my computer late at night…. Reading your post was fun, especially since I recognize myself a lot in what you wrote. Thanks for this John – Beginners like me need all the motivation we can get and challenge. This is one of the best posts I have seen in a long time! This is a very good article. I was forced to write code for no less than 30 minutes a day. This just forced me to be more mindful of the code that I was writing (thinking about reusability and deciding to create modules earlier in the process). Getting work done on weekends use to be absolutely critical towards making forward momentum (as they were, typically, the only time in which I got significant side project coding done). The code must be Open Source and up on Github. Antonin: Where do you work? I have been doing the same since last year the only time I sometimes make an exception is when im on vacation. I had a 161 day streak, and I believe it had a really positive effect on my life for many of the same reasons you mentioned – I was better at managing my time, I had less anxiety, and I infrequently had trouble picking up where I left off. but I have to get my coding in later” and have that be understood and taken into consideration. For something you yourself use every day, you always know what you need to work on next: it’s whatever bugged you about it the most yesterday. Also struggling with motivation time to take on and maintain side projects. If you’re a 10th grader and you only want to study five days a week, that means you should plan two hours of study each day. If you are feeling anxiety about not spending your free time coding, STOP. I’m trying to follow this practice these days. Anyways, at the end of the day, I may spend another 10-20 minutes working on my own stuff but my coder-self feels like I’m good for the day as it is since I get to do cutting-edge tech dev as well as legacy code dev. I realized that the feeling of making progress is just as important as making actual progress. Venous Leg Ulcers (VLU): A 24hr/day commitment is required if you wish the ulcer to close. This was an eye-opener. :-), Very inspiring John. It is important not to walk too fast or too long. Now I’m looking for a co-founder to help keep the project moving along. What I started doing last year (or maybe the year prior to that) is a concept of “monthly goals ( <- wrote about it here). For people new to learning to code, you should spend less time than someone who has been at it for 3 months. How much code was written? I am not sure of what your personal code writing is, but it is good to know I am not alone in the challenges and effects of bad work habits. Folks, please, just enjoy your lives. That massive multi-week context switch can be deadly (I’ve had many side projects die due to attention starvation like that). I also forced myself to code everyday (weekends included) and developed the habit of doing at least a couple hours first thing in the morning. Hattie is put into her crate when they go. Chart your progress. But, not right now. And I do get a ton of code done on a daily basis. Thanks for sharing. Those are astounding […] The code doesn’t technically need to be written before midnight of the day of but I wanted to avoid staying up too late writing sloppy code. I need to stop looking at what others are doing (similar to my project) and just get on with what I’m working on! I find continuous improvement is difficult for things that I don’t use myself. I’ve been endured the same feeling when I couldn’t get some of my side projects done as I hoped. Totally reasonable! We have prototypical style work, R&D stuff, development with cutting edge work, improvements to legacy system etc. “Generally if your cat walks away, is getting agitated, angry, stressed, too intense or becoming too stimulated, you should stop playing,” says Hartstein. Then, add the second portion to the opposite end of … This is actually kind of depressing, and leaves me wishing I had set aside more time during my trip to do a little bit of coding each day. I work at a company called CMN ( I’ve had such a hard time with this over the past year or so, and finally started on a similar path. After all you are just chasing your dream, but don’t forget about others. I am now in partnership with one of my oldest customers and work for his business about 45 hours a week, modifying and supporting my app for his company and also supporting our other clients. Did you just sit down and say “I’m not leaving this desk until I have some code done”? About 70% of the lines of code you wrote today will still be in head, unchanged, in 12 months time Perhaps unsurprisingly, code changes most often in the first couple of months after being written. But after watching my health deteriorate from too much sitting, it is just not worth it any more to me. My worst daily bad habit is doing “research” into my domain… a miss a lot of coding in the name of research. Code as habit. I’ve written so much I sometimes forget the things I’ve made – work from even a few weeks prior seem like a distant memory. Just-a-second, what commands do we have to put the left foot on the ground?… Do you try to set a reasonable minimum and maximum? I kinda agree with – you can really only do one project at a time. With information overload, we just forget we are humans not computers and try to do a lot of things which backfires instead. There’s also the issue that a week between working on some code is a long time, it’s very easy to forget what you were working on or what you left off on (even if you keep notes). If we are able to put in 10 hours a day to learn a language, then basic fluency in the easy languages should take 48 days, and for difficult languages 72 days. Consistency is very important, I’ve been coding for many years now most of the code Is private. Maybe that’s not what you intend, but I think that’s the message that comes across. Go grab a beer/wine/scotch/whatever and enjoy your life. Almost ever, my weekends are totally designed to I have some fun and if i start to write something i bought me some prize. You may want to stand up while you read this -- and a lot of other stuff. I decided to set a couple rules for myself: Some of these rules were arbitrary. It’s the first week that’s crucial. Thanks for the post and reaffirming the benefits. For you, John. I consider this change in habit to be a massive success and hope to continue it for as long as I can. You also get immediate feedback on what you wrote yesterday: you get to use it tomorrow. This is awesome! Exactly the same feelings of guilt over not working on side projects enough, delaying work for the weekends etc. Was very difficult to train for the ACM-ICPC when I was working as developer, but now that I only study in the University I solve at least a problem a day for maintain my streak in my Github in these are the results in some online judges for competitive competitions: It … I’ve found like u the key is consistent effort, even 30mins a day can achieve great results. Background processing. I suffer from the same anxiety too – a side project (a somewhat popular WordPress plugin) has a never-ending stream of feature requests coming in. Unfortunately it’s extremely hard to resume thinking about a project after an entire week of working on another task. It has to be serial. Only value the minutes you spend physically typing. I had a pretty good run starting my first project in Go, where the rule was mostly “just do *something* now, no matter how ridiculously small.” And “something” meant bits of functionality or improvements (like cleaning up pain points in the code) I could test; plans are cheap. According to the highway code, you should take a break every two hours. After several years as Director of this, or VP of that, my skills had eroded. “Do a little bit every day and then you’ll be done.”. Incredible way out! Come on guys! The break should be at least 15 minutes long. She described to me a typical weekend day: She gets up at 5 a.m. to walk Hattie, and then they leave for the mountains (a two-hour drive). That’s about 1,600 to 2,000 articles per day. How Often Should You Take A Break When Driving A Long-Distance? Some week days I work a little bit more (usually no more than an hour) and on weekends I’m sometimes able to work a full day. 11. I mostly had to forget about it when I had to focus on real life for a bit. I can write docs, or blog posts, or other things but it must be in addition to the code that I write. While learning HTML and CSS from codecademy, this method you described worked because they counted streaks, so i had to complete an exercise everyday. Hello, Once I started to make consistent progress every day the anxiety started to melt away. Typing code is part of programming. I think this is called the Jeremy Seinfeld ‘Chains’ method – as in don’t break the chain! Not to mention if you miss a weekend you end up with a two week gap as a result. Otherwise you get too stressed out. We have a wide variety of projects so it’s actually easy to do a ton of work without feeling burnt out. What max I could do is couple of hours per week, but its not at all sufficient. One of the biggest blogs in the world, Huffington Post, got its start by publishing one blog post every 58 seconds. Actually making stuff is motivating and maintains momentum. I loved the commit chart. I can relate to the need and anxiety of developing good work habits. In the meantime I’ll do all that I can to recommend this tactic to others who wish to get substantial side project work done. I also found the other thing folks in the comments mention, that it just takes an incredible number of hours. (It’s really hard to write meaningful code in less time, especially after remembering where you left off the day before.) For example, programming 1 hour per day every day consistently is much better than thinking you will get in 8 hours every week or so. I want to work there! I got into the habit of getting up early everyday before the rest of the house wakes up. Few months ago I worked on my side projects only the weekend, not making substantial progress, giving my girlfriend hard times when she planned something else, always ending up disappointed because I didn’t achieved everything that I had planned. Knowing that I was going to have to work on the project every single day I had to get better at balancing my time. I also like to write about my projects in blog posts in a coder-centric ‘dear diary’ kind of way. This is not a profession where you ever stand still. Before taking some days off from coding, I did not feel exhausted or burnt out, but as friends suggested, it seemed like it would be a good idea to take a break, just for the sake of giving my mind a rest and making sure I wasn’t overworking myself without realizing it. Since, its lot easier to start coding with a fresh mind. Accounting for days off, this equates to two months or three months time. How long should you code every single day and what are some of the best coding resources for practicing & improving your skills? As an aside: I wrote a book in 4 months by following the same principle. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania looked at social media use among 143 undergraduate students in two separate trials. can you explain clearly about the projects you have done with this method. When you are doing projects of any complexity then you need to slow down. That’s my story (the problem part). Sometimes even though I don’t have enough time to code, writing blog posts is also a very good way to summarise what you have learnt. Assumes an eight-hour day/40-hour week. This allowed me to get about 30~60 minutes of quality time into my sketchbooks. I was rarely able to complete all the work that I wanted and it forced me to reject other weekend activities that I enjoyed (eating dim sum, visiting museums, going to the park, spending time with my partner, etc.) I found small, running pieces add up to actual software faster than you think. If you commit 3-4 hours a day to learning to code, you could land an entry-level programming job in as little as 6-8 months. It's the same concept as writers doing NaNoWriMo, or coders doing a 30-day git commit sprint. I should note that I’ve been finding that I have less time to spend on hobbies (such as woodblock printing) but that’s a reasonable tradeoff that I’ll need to live with. Continue to set new goals without overdoing it. I am now 65 years old and have been working on an application I first started working on in 1978 before most of you guys were born. Very inspiring to me as someone who primarily does projecf management and hasn’t been hands on with development for years. Do not overdo it. @Paolol, if they dont, it would be a good first project :). Strategist and life coach Zoë B came up with “The Half Hour Theory.” “The general idea is that … I am so inspired what you have done for consecutive 20weeks. it’s so inspiring! Faced with too much time I felt guilty like I was wasting my PTO and didn’t code as much. I’m extremely pleased with the amount of work that I’ve gotten done. I’m definitely going to implement some of your ideas going forward. “Several shorter play sessions tend to suit many cats better than one longer one.” Four 10-minute sessions a day is a … Is your employer happy with the QUALITY of your work? Thus when I go for a walk, or take a shower, or any of the other non-brain-using activities I participate in, I’m thinking about what I’m going to be coding later and finding a good way to solve that problem. 6 min/chart or 80/day ambulatory surgery records. Thanks so much mate ! Comments are automatically turned off two weeks after the original post. Which is basically the idea of picking a subject, whatever hobby, or work, or whatever, and focusing on just that for a month. Many commenters on this post mention “anxiety” and worry about their supposed lack of commitment. For example if you work or study during the day, you could try programming … I’m truly happy for folks if they enjoy coding so much they want to do it for fun/as a hobby in their non day-job hours, but I think positioning one’s hobby (when it happens to coincide with one’s profession) as somehow obligatory if you care about improving/success (“if you don’t care about improving yourself then you’ll never actually succeed”) is wrong. Your free time coding, STOP without it becoming a chore and hope to continue it for 3.. Instrument, or every other week folks in the early morning for 30-60 minutes coding... Start at 9:30 p.m., you could write it in Korean to share to those who don ’ t English! Minimum viable code major problems with how I was immediately struck by how accurately you described the problem ). ( say, 12 minutes ) t use English wrote yesterday: you get to see how lives! Work at a company called CMN ( http: // I used to work on a feedback. 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