Contact our London head office or media team here. Samples for grain size and geochemical analysis were dried to constant weight in an oven for about 72 h, at 45°C, and stored for subsequent analysis. pustulata Quinque loc ul ina poe yana Nonion of. The stations followed nine transects from 400 to 3000 m deep (Figure 5). According to Pianka [70], k-strategist or conservative species have greater body size, longer life cycle, and population size largely constant in time, being close to the capacity of support of the environment; r-strategist species are known for their opportunistic behavior, small size, short life cycle, and very variable population size without adjustment balance in relation to available resources (mainly space and food). The smaller depths (6 m) occur on the continental side of the channel. illustrated include the most common benthic foraminiferal species now living, or having lived in the middle regions of Chesapeake Bay over the past millennium. [16] studying the effect of heavy pollution mainly due to Hg, PAHs, and PCBs on the foraminiferal assemblages from the Augusta harbor (Eastern Sicily, Italy) observed that the clearest response of foraminifera to environmental degradation was the increased percentages of abnormal specimens exceeding the background, the increase of pollution-tolerant species, and the reduced size of the specimens. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. These waters are treated in the wastewater treatment plants (ETE—Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes), where they are first separated from residual oil by adding a solution of polyelectrolyte [55]. [18, 31, 32]. The study of these protists has huge potential implications and benefits. The freshwater is supplied mainly by Vouga and Antuã rivers with average flows over 50 and 5 m3 s−1, respectively [26] and in less way by small rivers such as Boco river, which flows into the south Ílhavo channel, and the Caster river, which flows into the north of Ovar channel, with an average flow less than 1 m3 s−1 [25]. Fossilized Foraminifera have been found in sediment and dated to as early as the 5th century B.C.E..The term “foraminifera” wasn’t used until 1830.Benthic foraminfera assemblages are sensitive to temperature, pH, salinity, and the substrate in which they live. After this first step, the detection of patterns associated with natural disturbances or pollution related to human activities can be carried on [7, 8, 9, 10]. For this purpose, identification and quantitative foraminifera analysis were performed using the 63 μm size fraction. [14], and Burone et al. In benthic foraminifera, the cytoplasmic body is encased in organic or mineralized test (shell), which provides a fossil record (Cambrian to recent). Because of these dissimilar times, the local hydrodynamics can change and, consequently, variations can occur in the particulate organic matter flux, and quantity and quality of the organic matter on the sea floor [73, 75, 76]. A recent example of foraminiferal species’ response to changing environmental conditions. gibba (<10%), Elphidium williamsoni (<6%), Gavelinopsis praegeri (<6%), Trochammina inflata (<5%), Elphidium crispum (<6%), Cribroelphidium excavatum (<5%), Quinqueloculina seminula (<5%), and Cribrostomoides jeffreysii (<5%). The highest values of density, diversity, and richness, as well as the predominance of hyaline calcareous foraminifera and infaunal species, reflect a higher contribution of food received continuously in the shallower stations (400 m depth). In the present study, no relationship between abiotic parameters and relative abundance of P. cananeiaensis was recorded. This work presents results of living foraminifera used to analyze these meiofaunal organism responses to different types of environmental disturbance in different transitional and marine settings: a semienclosed coastal lagoon (Aveiro Lagoon), an estuarine system (São Sebastião Channel), a continental shelf (Campos Basin), and continental slope environments (Campos Basin). By making research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the business interests of publishers. [51], the relative abundance of A. tepida is typically favored by an increase of total organic matter, meaning food resources. In this case, only living (rose Bengal stained) benthic foraminifera were analyzed in combined samples collected in four different slices of the cores (0–2, 2–5, 5–10, and 10–15 cm) to understand the distribution patterns and their ecology. Location of Campos Basin in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean and sampling sites of the study area (Oceanprof and Habitats project): red circle (station in the Almirante Câmara canyon); and blue circle (station in the Almirante Câmara canyon). Among the vast variety of microorganisms, foraminifera have shown potential for effective pollution biomonitoring, apart from many other applications [1]. Species richness varied from 12 to 23 per 95 foraminifera. Benthic Foraminifera as Bioindicator of Coral Reef Environmental Condition Based on Foram Index in Natuna Islands, Province of Riau Islands - Neliti Foraminifera is one of single-celled protozoa, living in the water environment especially marine waters. The equitability also was determined according to Pielou [35] and S is the total number of species in a sample [36]. Benthic foraminifera in the Oligocene reef environment of Northeastern Italy Other title Foraminifères benthiques en milieu récifal oligocène du NE de l'Italie (fr) Author GRUNIG, A 1; SUSEDKA, J [1] Geol. … Benthic foraminifera (BF), unicellular organisms mostly living in sediments, with epiphytic, epifaunal and infaunal microhabitat, from transitional and marine coastal areas to the deep-sea zones, have been increasingly recognized as reliable ecological indicators for the characterization and monitoring of marine habitats and for the assessment of the ecological status (Sousa et al., 2020). The samples collected for foraminifera studies were kept in alcohol (90%) stained with Rose Bengal (2 g of Rose Bengal in 1000 ml of alcohol). However, without complementary studies that allow to qualify and quantify the disturbance origin by applying the ABC curves, we will have only the sign of the environmental disorder. The distribution pattern of the living foraminiferal assemblages in the continental shelf of the Campos Basin changes depending on the bathymetry, sediment characteristics, and the supply of organic matter. Other species, such as Buliminella elegantissima, Miliammina fusca, Haplophragmoides manilaensis, Entzia macrescens, Tiphotrocha comprimata, Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis, Arenoparrella mexicana, Siphotrochammina lobata, Ammobaculites balkwilli, and Eggerelloides scaber, occur in general with percentages less than 5%. Instead Miliammina fusca, Haplophragmoides manilaensis, Entzia macrescens, Tiphotrocha comprimata, Ammoscalaria pseudospiralis, Arenoparrella mexicana, Siphotrochammina lobata, and Ammobaculites balkwilli reach the highest relative abundance but have low densities in low salinity waters near the rivers’ mouth and in sediments with relatively low Eh and pH values, where the abundance of calcareous species decline [23, 37]. Epistominella exigua, Adercotryma glomeratum, Bulimina marginata, Pappina compressa, Angulogerina angulosa s.l., Nonionella stella, Nonionella opima, Hopkinsina pacifica, Bolivina fragilis, Bolivinellina translucens, Fursenkoina pontoni, and Stainforthia complanata can be considered as indicators of seasonality-enriched areas with phytodetrital material signaling the upwelling events in the study region of Campos Basin. Some benthic species burrow actively, though slowly, through sediment at speeds up to 1cm per hour, while others attach themselves to the surface of rocks or marine plants. In this sense, the microfauna is compelled to change: stenobiotics can disappear and an abundance of tolerant species may be observed [10, 15, 31]. Deciphering the impacts of domestic and industrial pollutants is difficult because they often occur together in sheltered coastal environments (bays or estuaries). The sedimentary contribution to this region is restricted to the rivers Itapemirim, Paraíba do Sul, Macaé, and São João, and most of the material derived from rivers and coastal erosion seems to be retained in coastal waters; what exceeds in this region is readily carried by oceanic currents. Particular circulation patterns mainly in shallow areas and wide channels can be induced by strong winds [25]. The South Atlantic Central Waters (SACW), a colder, nutrient-rich water mass, enters the continental shelf increasing local primary production and associated secondary productivity. Sediment mean grain size (SMGS) varied between 19.7 and 3660.2 μm and fine fraction (fines; <63 μm) between 0 and 97.7%. Foraminifera Ecology In marine environments, Foraminifera are either planktonic or benthic. eEarth Discussions, 2007, 2 (4), pp.191-217. Fossilized Foraminifera have been found in sediment and dated to as early as the 5th century B.C.E..The term “foraminifera” wasn’t used until 1830.Benthic foraminfera assemblages are sensitive to temperature, pH, salinity, and the substrate in which they live. They also corresponded to two distinct ecozones, Entrance and Confluence, already recognized in earlier studies. In 1999, exploration and production of hydrocarbons in deep waters (below 2000 m of depth) started in the Campos Basin. 2020; 17(10):3741. Benthic foraminifera have been widely used as proxy for paleo-methane emissions, mainly based on their stable isotopic signature. In the southern region, the disturbed patterns seem to be strongly related to natural phenomena due to the presence of many species who indicate upwelling events, which are well known near the Cabo Frio area. The second part consists of species census data for benthic foraminifera obtained from the box, piston, and gravity cores (Table 1). The Aveiro Lagoon is located on the Western Atlantic coast of Portugal (40°38′N, 8°45′W, Figure 1). Excess of organic matter linked with fine-grained sediments can lead to depressed levels of oxygen in the sediment pore waters, which may cause stress to benthic foraminifera [49]. How? Under low currents activity, fine-grained sediments enriched in organic matter are accumulated. Naira Yamamoto, Dr. Raquel Fernanda Passos, Dr. Renata Hanae Nagai (Center for Marine Studies, Federal University of Paraná), Carla Ito, Dr. Leticia Burone (Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República), Dr. Marina Fukumoto, MScs. This organism can be used as bioindicator of environmental conditions of coral reefs through a simple index called FORAM Index. Ammonia tepida was the most abundant species in almost all samples (5–56.1%). In this study, the variables considered for statistical analysis included the sand and mud contents, particulate organic matter flux to the sea floor, bottom water dissolved oxygen concentrations, calcium carbonate, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, and total lipid contents in the sediment (see details in [75]). The water circulation in the channel is characterized by alternate northerly and southerly movements, with a periodicity of days that is not directly influenced by tidal currents [54]. ISBN : 978-1-55563-165-9. The procedures used for sedimentological and geochemical analyses are described in detail in Martins et al. Chicago/Turabian Style Your email address * Please enter a valid email address. Shell-type ratios — Benthic foraminifera can be agglutinated or calcareous. The benthic foraminifera in the study area presented a low diversification and moderate abundance. The other group of Foraminifera species found in marine environments are planktonic species (Planktic foraminifera). These findings lead us to conclude that wastewater treatment in DTCS is not effective in removing some chemical elements from petrochemical waste liquid. Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. Foraminifera are abundant and preserve the changes in their tests, making possible to study even the past environmental standing. The sediments were collected, in Aveiro Lagoon channels, in 255 stations, in 2006/2007 with an adapted Petit Ponar Grab sampler (opening at both extremities), and using a ZOE I boat (Figure 1), they were analyzed. In this area, 51 species [53] were identified as belonging to the suborders Rotaliina (33 species), Textulariina (11 species), and Miliolina (7 species). The anthropic activity has been causing more and more negative effects on nature, among which includes the discharge of several types of pollutants from either domestic or industrial sources. Login to your personal dashboard for more detailed statistics on your publications. The inner lagoonal area receives the contribution of several rivers. In general, the density and diversity of foraminifera are low in the lagoon. However, it is known that benthic foraminifera are very tolerant to oxygen depletion, and some species appear to be resistant to hypoxic and periodic anoxic conditions [50]. The results of the ABC curves by isobaths evidence that in the 25 m isobath of the dry season of 2008, there was some disturbance (W = 0.0332), but in the rainy season of 2009, the disturbance was much high (W = − 0.0071), so that the abundance curve overlaps with that of biomass (Figure 4). In the most polluted areas, they observed the increasing abundance of pollution-tolerant species. However, in the most impacted zones the density and diversity of foraminifera become even smaller. 2. Marine caves, which are part of these system flooded by seawater through marine entrances, may be considered as extreme environments because of wide spatial and temporal environmental variability due to changing marine and terrestrial contributions. It’s based on principles of collaboration, unobstructed discovery, and, most importantly, scientific progression. Despite potentially considerable pollution sources, mostly around DTCS, the contamination of sediment, as measured through geochemical analyses, is moderate. They are good indicators of global change and are also promising indicators of the environmental health of marine ecosystems. A well oxygenated, less saline environment with coarse bottom sediment, correlated with a mixed calcareous-agglutinated assemblage (Gavelinopsis praegeri, Rosalina spp., Eggerelloides advenus and Reophax dentaliniformis) with high species diversity (H-index 2.32–3.57) and low foraminiferal density, was exclusive of the North Branch. As the region surrounding the Aveiro Lagoon is densely populated, in the most confined areas located near cities and villages or close to the rivers’ mouths, higher available concentrations of PTE (such as Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) can be found. The H′ and J′ values varied between 1.59 and 3.25 and between 0.64 and 0.93, respectively. According to Fortis et al. Sediment samples from DTCS (named TB) were collected near the outfall diffusers in September 2005, by the Environmental Agency of the São Paulo State, Brazil (CETESB—“Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo”). Other species also reach relatively high relative abundance, at least locally, such as Elphidium margaritaceum (<54%), Lepidodeuterammina ochracea (<52%), Lobatula lobatula (<45%), Rotaliammina concava (<32%), Bolivina ordinaria (<31%), Cibicides ungerianus (<19%), Planorbulina mediterranensis (<17%), Cribroelphidium excavatum, Elphidium gerthi (<14%), Elphidium complanatum (<14%), Bolivina pseudoplicata (<13%), Remaneica helgolandica (<13%), Bulimina elongata/B. These organisms primarily feed on phytodetritus (Heeger, 1990) and prokaryotes (Goldstein and Corliss, 1994), but can also ingest metazoan tissues (Linke et al., 1995). Brief introduction to this section that descibes Open Access especially from an IntechOpen perspective, Want to get in touch? Return to top However, even if they are dispersed and do not accumulate within the sediment, pollutant may affect the benthos since all habitats exposed to all types of contaminants experience decreased biodiversity [60]. The sediments are coarse-grained and have low organic matter content where the currents are strong. By contrast, the rainy season takes place in summer and corresponds to the period with higher precipitation and with more frequent upwelling events. Number of species per sample (SR) varied from 0 to 28 and Shannon index values (H) were < 2.8. Higher temperatures were recorded in the innermost part of the main channels and salinities near the lagoon mouth and in the channels with strong marine influence. The aim of this study is to study the benthic … A volume ranging from 10 to 40 cm3 was analyzed to obtain 95 stained individuals. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to investigate the relationship between foraminifera and sedimentological variables of the three areas: TEBAR, Araçá, and São Sebastião Channel (see details in [53]). In this study, we evaluate the benthic foraminiferal response to methane seepage in Arctic sediments. In this work, the ABC curves were generated for each group in both periods with all the species in which it was possible to calculate the biomass. The goals of this chapter are (1) to provide a few examples from foraminifera studies, presenting possible use of foraminifera as bioindicators for the monitoring of transitional and marine ecosystems and (2) to highlight the importance of applying these organisms in environmental monitoring studies. Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Donnici et … The H′ and J’ values varied from 0.70 to 2.64 and from 0.69 to 0.85, respectively. Textural, trace elements, and foraminifera data from TB, AR, and SSC areas were previously studied by Teodoro et al. SSC width ranges from 2 km in its central portion and 7 km in its southern and northern ends. The biomass was calculated by the volumetric method [33, 69]. The aim of this study is to study the benthic foraminiferal assemblages in coral reefs community and sea grass bad of Belitung Islands and to use that information to determine the environmental quality of their coral reefs based on FORAM Index. Three functional groups of benthic foraminifera were calculated, namely the symbiont-bearing taxa, opportunistic taxa, and small heterotrophic taxa. Although the foraminifera belong to both micro- and meiofauna, the results obtained with the ABC curves in this work evidence they can be used to trace environmental disturbance. However, H. germanica, A. tepida, Bolivina ordinaria, Bolivina pseudoplicata, T. inflata, and C. excavatum, for instance, can occur in such conditions, which means that they tolerate better the negative effects of eutrophication than, for example, L. ochracea, L. lobatula, R. concava, C. ungerianus, P. mediterranensis, and G. praegeri. Avalon Institute of Applied Science, 976 Elgin Ave., Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3E 1B4 . Monitoring Index. Living forams occupy low-latitude areas and are most prolific in nutrient-deficient, warm, shallow seas. Lepidodeuterammina ochracea and Rotaliammina concava dominate in very strong hydrodynamical conditions at the lagoon entrance. The following species also had significant relative abundance: Pararotalia cananeiaensis (<20%), B. elegantissima (0.9–11.8%), A. parkinsoniana (<7.3%), C. lobatulus (<6.6%), B. striatula (<6.4%), B. marginata (1–6.3%), B. ordinaria (0.9–6%), Bolivina compacta (<5.5%), and Rosalina floridensis (<5%). They are benthic bottom dwellers characterized by high diversity and abundance. Highest PTE values were found, for instance, in Aveiro city and Murtosa Channel and the lowest values in the lagoon entrance. Benthic foraminifera are able to organise in specific assemblages, in response to different environmental conditions. 4a and b). 2. They are benthic bottom dwellers characterized by high diversity and abundance. The sampling was performed during the dry season of 2008 and the rainy season of 2009. Dying planktonic Foraminifera continuously rain down on the sea floor in vast numbers, their mineralized tests preserved as fossils in the accumulating sediment. Nevertheless, much remains to be learned about foraminiferal ecology. The ABC curves indicate the 25 m isobath as the most disturbed one within the continental shelf and the upwelling/organic enriched group as an area of moderated disturbance. 1972); Benthic foraminifera are very sensitive to environmental changes, a plant producing aluminium by electrolysis of alumina (Alcoa, and are considered to be excellent indicators because of their high since 1972) and rolled aluminium (ILA); species diversity and density of populations, which provide an ade- quate statistical base. About 65% of hydrocarbon exploration and production activities are concentrated in marine areas deeper than 400 m [74]. 1. The toxic threshold depends on the nature of the organic matter and its concentration in the sediments [10]. Close to DTCS, there is the submarine outfall of Araçá, which transports almost all the domestic effluents from the São Sebastião city. It demonstrates how living foraminifera can be used to monitor modern-day environmental change. [62] noted that B. elegantissima and B. marginata tend to be abundant in areas affected by pollutants. (“Bénthos” is the Greek word for “depth” and describes life at the bottom of an ocean or lake.) The lower Eh values were found in Aveiro City canals and Murtosa channel. This probably results from the dispersion of effluents by the currents that affect the São Sebastião Channel. Most of the estimated 4,000 living species of forams live in the world's oceans. the annual benthic organic matter input (e.g. Available from: Case study: São Sebastião Channel, SE coast of Brazil, Case study: continental shelf of the Campos Basin (SE, Brazil), Case study: continental slope of the Campos Basin (SE, Brazil), Departamento de Estratigrafia e Paleontologia, Faculdade de Geologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Departamento Geociências, GeoBioTec, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, Departamento de Oceanografia Física, Química e Geológica do Instituto Oceanográfico, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg, Germany, Laboratório de Foraminíferos e Micropaleontologia Ambiental (LaFMA), Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR), Brazil, UMR 7159, IPSL/LOCEAN, Centre IRD France Nord, France, Escola de Artes Ciências e Humanidades, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil. , we evaluate the benthic foraminiferal response to changing environmental conditions of coral reefs are most in... 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