He made sure to remind them that they remember the only reason they were alive was because he was showing mercy, something Klaus would not have done in that situation, proving that he may have been raised by them, but he wasn't like them. He calls Klaus and asks him to help Cami since he cannot go to her. Similarly, Marcel sees Davina as a fighter and took her in. „The Vampire Diaries“ hat in seinem eigenen spin-off „The Originals“ eine starke Konkurrenz. In For the Next Millennium, Marcel had transformed the church into a fighting gym for his vampires. Marcel was born a slave and the bastard son of a plantation owner during the 1800s. He presumably kidnaps Hayley at the end of the episode, as he is last seen facing Hayley at the door before she disappears. Letzter Auftritt (Legacies) To cover up Hayley's involvement, Marcel instead framed Gaspar Cortez and gave The Strix his head instead, coming up with a believable story given Cortez's hostile past with the vampire society. Getötet von He goaded Elijah into coming inside of the home he was hiding in, only to leave when he did, buying himself enough time until midnight. 1810 (New Orleans, 25/209) Soziales Umfeld In An Unblinking Death, Marcel wants to come help Cami with Father Kieran but she refuses as Klaus will kill him. Marcel later met with a begrudged Aya and reminded her that he had experience running vampire societies and the first thing he did was make sure his followers were loyal. Joe Dalton (1918) †mehrere Soldaten (1918) †Thierry Vanchure (1940er) †Max †Diego †viele andere Vampire †Gia (2012) † With her help, Marcel learned that a werewolf named Lara had connections to the threat known as the Hollow. He wakes up sometime later hanging upside down from a rope on the ceiling. Born She left without even looking for him. But the tourists get healed, compelled and sent on their way. They are known as "Rebel" by fans. Marcel and Rebekah met in the 1800's and as Marcel grew up, he and Rebekah fell in love. Da eines der Totem eine Bürste mit dem Mikaelson "M" ist, erahnen sie, dass Hope das fünfte Kind ist, weshalb Vincent Hayley kontaktiert. On how they need her help to bring back Kol. In Gather Up the Killers, Marcel had run New Orleans for five years after defeating the Mikaelsons and capturing Klaus. On his behalf he got her to use a locator spell on Dahlia. Later, he kills Jane-Anne for performing magic without his permission. While Marcel can be seen as a hypocrite for claiming that he dislikes people who have betrayed their friends, when he himself has betrayed Klaus, he has never betrayed anyone unless they have plotted or done damage to him first as Klaus daggered Rebekah simply for loving him and kept them apart for 52 years, This caused Marcel to plot ways to be with Rebekah, even if it meant finding ways to get rid of Klaus, whom Marcel would likely no longer consider a friend after what he did to Rebekah. Supernatural information The Mikaelsons needed The Ancestors' power to defeat Lucien and the only way to get it was by sacrificing their chance to bring back Davina. Marcel was stunned by the news, having loaded the kids into the ambulance himself but Vincent assured him that the ambulance had gone missing too. Auftritte He has also said that he looks good in a suit which he wears on special occasions, such as the Masquerade Ball he hosted to present himself as respectable. Marcel reacted defensively, telling some of his men to remove her from the building. Loading... Resume making your offer, if the page does not update immediately. Geschlecht Upon meeting Josh at Rousseau's, Marcel greeted him as a friend and told him not to bow and to tone down the theatrics, display a level of humility despite what he has become. Von Vincent erhält er das Serum, das ihn zu einem Biest machen könnte. After Elijah was awakened, Davina still completed the spell on Klaus, severing his link to his sireline. Despite their differences over the years, Marcel is genuinely distraught by Klaus' impending doom and admits to Rebekah his love for the family. Marcel ist wohl einer der wenigen, für den Klaus sich wirklich und wahrhaftig von Anfang an interessierte. Rebekah warns him to remember how Klaus truly is. In No Quarter, Marcel listened to Sofya explain that Hayley Marshall's recent activity showed signs that she could have found a cure for Marcel's bite and Klaus's siblings could be potentially healed and on their way back to the city. Meanwhile, at Camille's she has left post it notes all over her house reminding her not to trust Klaus. Furious over their part in Davina's failed revival, he hatefully reminded them that he had done everything they asked; even joining The Strix and putting his own life at risk countless times because they needed him to. Rebekah asks where they are putting Klaus and Marcel has him a spot all by himself. He is then confronted by Hayley for bombing her pack which he denies. A little later, the spirit taunts Marcel with the death of Davina, trying to anger Marcel into taking revenge upon the Mikaelsons. Aiden comes to the loft again to ask for help since Finn wants werewolf child solders in the war and he doesn't want to risk his brother's safety. Marcel was visibly nervous about the results, especially after Aya easily struck down a Strix member who was shown to have nefarious intentions. Smith's novel series of the same name.Some of the characters appeared in the spin-off series, The Originals. When Klaus asks the boy his name, he tells him that his mother wouldn't give him one until he turned 10 years old out of fear of him dying of fever; but his mother died before she could name him. Er ist beliebt und wird von den Vampiren der Stadt als Held gefeiert. They decided that they would scare Klaus away using the Originals' father, Mikael, who had been hunting Klaus for nearly a millennium. Which Marcel agrees to. In City Beneath The Sea, Marcel still helps the Originals against Dahlia. She will not tell Marcel what it says as it is her responsibility now. Marcel also bares no grudge against Hayley or Hope, considering them off-limits for the vampire community. However, by the end of the fourth season, Marcel had finally chosen Rebekah over New Orleans, and being Sofya's "second-best", and traveled to New York to begin their relationship anew. Slave (Formerly)Klaus' Protégé (Formerly)Soldier (Formerly) Leader of the New Orleans VampiresLeader of his Vampire ArmyLeader of The Strix (Formerly)The Hollow's anchor to the living world (Formerly)Prisoner (Formerly) That said, Marcel still possess superior powers to the Originals, having a lethal bite and his own base vampirism amplified by the original spell which coupled with his excellent fighting skills makes Marcel one of the most dangerous and deadliest beings thus far. He chooses to become a vampire like he always wanted, though he never stopped loving Rebekah and Klaus' actions later caused Marcel to turn against him. He's persuaded the humans to look the other way, chased away the werewolves and locked down the witches with some kind of secret. He is also mystified by Marcel's mysterious control over the town's witches, who aren't allowed to practice magic under penalty of death. He tells them about wanting blood and becoming a vampire, but only one of them gets to live. Joe Dalton † (1918)Soldiers of The Brotherhood of the Damned † (1918)Thierry Vanchure † (1940s)Max †Diego †Many other vampires †Gia † (2012) The Originals (TVD)When The Saints Go Marching In (TO). He offered to get Davina out of town but she denied his offer, believing she could handle herself. Marcel verbietet den Hexen ihre Kräfte zu nutzen und hält sie … Marcel met with her, happy to see she was okay and no longer hexed, but was suspicious of the timing. Sie suchen sie ihm Bayou auf, wo sie gesteht, dass die Kinder Opfer an The Hollow sind, das sie unterstützen soll, Marcel zu stürzen. Marcel enjoys his vampiric life and likes living in the French Quarter, considering it to be a home to keep and fight for. Klaus teases that he knows that face; woman problems. When Davina's powers start to go out of control, Marcel is shown that he cares for Davina more than anything and is willing to always put her first. Davina throws Rebekah against the walls with her magic and out the window. Once Klaus admitted defeat and told Marcel the city was no longer theirs and now belonged to him, Marcel agreed to let them live, on the condition that they never return. Best Offer: Make Offer. Angered, he asks Klaus what his problem is and Klaus accuses him of kidnapping Hayley. When Mikael was resurrected by Davina in From a Cradle to a Grave, he killed all of Marcel's vampire army while they were dying of werewolf bites, with the exception of Joshua Rosza, who had previously been healed by Davina. Once the spell was completed, Marcel took Davina to his loft, fearing Klaus' retaliation but she was furious with him for not believing in her and trying to stop the spell. Marcel, doubtful at first, accepts in the end. They arrive to a parking garage to find a man and a woman in the back of a van. Marcel hat währenddessen einige seiner Männer auf Klaus angesetzt, sie sollen herausfinden was dieser plant. Vincent asked Marcel if The Strix might have something to heal Cami but Marcel regretfully explained that The Strix didn't have a solution for something that never existed before like Lucien's poison. Later, as Davina and the Sisters performed the spell, Marcel and Hayley tried to stop them but were tossed aside by magic. There was no evidence of who. He tried to convince Vincent to take a stand instead of letting the witches be led by a boy with loyalty to The Strix, essentially handing over nine covens of witches to Tristan. By doing this, Marcel has driven the Mikaelson family out of New Orleans to search for cures to help the family survive. Marcel was very moral, as he tried to stop another slave getting beaten which then resulted in Marcel getting shot by his own father. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Diese Seite enthält Informationen über noch nicht im deutschen TV gezeigte Episoden. After Rebekah had been daggered for 52 years, Klaus removed it from her heart. In The Other Girl in New Orleans, Marcel tried to help find Cami after she had been captured by Aurora de Martel but his efforts were interrupted by Aya. He also began to rekindle his romance with Rebekah. Having convincing The Strix of his loyalty and earning Tristan's gratitude, he was surprised when they decided to leave and told him they would be in touch. Er hat braune Augen und eine dunkle Haut. He then rescued his newly-born adoptive sister, hoping to use her as leverage to get Klaus to heal them all with his blood, but when he returned to the compound, the vampires were already dead. After collecting Lucien's blood, they brought it to Cami to drink but it proved unable to help aid her worsening condition. Aya explained why she recruited Davina; to use a spell to sever the sirelines from the Originals, so their lives were no longer dependent on theirs. Kol tries to teach Marcel Shakespeare, using compelled people and killing them in front of Marcel's eyes with the intent on turning Marcel and teaching him how to be a vampire. Because of this, she is loyal towards him. Marcel pointed him in the direction of a witch named Lenore and had him take Gia with him. However, when Marcel and Rebekah grew closer again, unable to deny their feelings for each other, they desperately searched for a way to be free to do as they wished, without Klaus trying to control them. Then he leaves. Marcel's mother had chosen not to name him until she was sure he would survive the fever but ended up succumbing to it herself before she could choose a name for him. Letzter Auftritt (VD) Familie They learned more about the auction and Marcel used The Strix's extensive resources and their pledge to fulfill any one command to win the auction. Their first recruit was Gia, with whom both men, and especially Marcel, developed a close friendship. Geboren He will also be seen wearing necklaces and scarfs as accessories. He then encourages Josh to get Davina to practice magic again for her own protection, which Josh does. Gia returned sometime later, telling Marcel that she had convinced Elijah to help her and Marcel happily relished that their community would have Elijah on their side. Allerdings erklärt Vincent ihm daraufhin, dass Marcel das Serum schon längst genommen hat. Klaus proceeds to get into Marcel's head talking about traps and flirts with the idea of riling the witches up. In Every Mother's Son, Marcel watched his community grow and then met with Elijah, who told him that he needed the help of a witch. In Where You Left Your Heart, He was able to compel Elijah to forget his family and his vow. Marcel says it's his secret and HIS town, so he won't tell him. In The Originals. Marcel says that he has spent the last six hours consulting various witch doctors, palm readers, and exorcists because he feels "off". Marcel whistles for his boys and then they become surround. He nearly destroyed the entire family, had it not been for Freya's intervention, and maintained peace in New Orleans for five years, albeit while keeping Klaus hostage and daggered with Papa Tunde's Blade. In The Originals, when Klaus arrives in New Orleans, he presents himself to Marcel, who used to be his fun-loving, charming protégé. Also, he tells Marcel that Klaus has to have a inside man. Marcel watched Elijah interrupted the meeting and made claim to the society he had started, wanting to lead it now that Tristan was out of the picture, even bringing out the charter that dictated the rules of the society. Marcel asked Hayley to tell Hope that she didn't have to fear him, and never had to, as he had no ill feelings toward her despite his relationship with her father. Marcellus Gerard Erster Auftritt (TO) The next day, Marcel and Klaus are in a bar. Laut Vinecnt, der das Verhalten Marcel's missbilligte wurde Marcel nach Davina's Tot genau so grausam wie Klaus. In Moon Over Bourbon Street, Marcel is still in exile on the other side of New Orleans tries to enlist Thierry to take back the city. In I Love You, Goodbye, Marcel attends Hayley and Jackson's wedding with Gia as his plus one. Marcel's feelings towards the Originals are complex. He shows up at the church, unaware that Klaus paid Davina a visit and asks her what happened when he sees the broken glass everywhere. Jun 16, 2017 - #TheOriginals 4x11 "A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken" - Rebekah and Marcel .. He then tells her he's also is in a predicament if he doesn't get her blood to Finn he's going kill every vampire by the hour. In Bloodletting, Marcel holds a fight club for his nightwalkers to impress him to get a daylight ring early seeing there's a waiting list. Marcel yells and stops the fight, he then picks up Klaus' coin. Staffel taucht Marcel in Stadt der Vampire auf. He is later ambushed by Klaus in his loft. In A Streetcar Named Desire, Marcel spoke to Davina as she made the final preparations to break the sire link. As shown in The Casket Girls, Marcel loves Davina as a daughter and younger sister. Height The Vampire Diaries und The Originals 20 Fragen - Erstellt von: Maja - Aktualisiert am: 08.06.2018 - Entwickelt am: 29.05.2018 - 2.028 mal aufgerufen In diesem Test geht es um die Serie,, The Vampire Diaries“ und der dazugehörige Spin-Off „The Originals“. Share the best GIFs now >>> Title(s) In Keepers of the House, Marcel tried to distract himself from the hard night fighting the zealot by spending some time with Sofya but their date was interrupted by Vincent who barged into the penthouse with news that the kids they had rescued had never made it home. All das, was Klaus schon immer haben wollte. Bevor Marcel ein Vampir wurde war er sehr mutig, was sich zeigt als er einen Apfel nach dem Mann warf der ihn schlug, da er so mutig war verwandelte Klaus Marcel in einen Vampir. Mal)unbekannte HexeJane-Anne DeverauxTina McGreevy (in der Verwandlung)Monique Deveraux (2. With Davina's death in season three, Marcel declared war on the Mikaelsons and became the Beast of prophecy when Elijah killed him. Marcel thereafter sentences Thierry to 100 years in the Garden. Episode Count Dazu brauchte er den Doppelgänger - Elena. A flashback is shown and we see that young Marcel and Elijah are very close with each other, having a teacher-student relationship. The rest are night-walkers and they like to host a huge party at Marcel's place every night, invite the tourists and feed on them at midnight. That night, after Davina's actions forced Vincent to have her shunned by the witches, so that The Strix couldn't use her Regent powers to activate their weapon, Marcel was concerned for her well being but relieved that her punishment hadn't been fatal and was now not going to be used by The Strix. He is afraid that she will never trust him again. After hooking up with Rebekah, Marcel realizes that the Originals. In Alone with Everybody, Marcel had The Strix shadow Elijah to protect their sire from the threat of the last remaining white oak and the legion of Mikaelson enemies coming to town. They had a strong relationship however Marcel's love for Klaus' sister, Rebekah caused tension to which caused Klaus to give him an ultimatum, vampirism or Rebekah. The other vampires gather and surround Marcel. In The Devil is Damned, Marcel goes to The Bayou to warn Hayley that Finn knows about Hope. Ebenso wie Klaus trägt er oft eine Lederjacke. He initially refuses to help Klaus to investigate sacrificed vampires in the Cauldron. Marcel let Alistair die, having proven his point, but grew nervous that the Mikaelsons had somehow survived his bite and were out there. Mal)Gia (als Mensch)Einige WerwölfeZwei StrixmitgliederZwei Vampire, die für Sofya arbeiteten Even though Klaus built the town, his father, Mikael, ran him out of it over a hundred years ago and now Marcel rules it. When the ancient vampire society known as The Strix arrives in New Orleans, they approached Marcel and offered him a place among their ranks as a war was brewing between the three remaining sirelines of vampires. Marcel angrily breaks ties with the Mikaelsons. He bargains that Marcel needs to let the witches bury Jane-Anne and gets her body for the witches to prove his loyalty to them and the agreement he has made with them. These traits, coupled with the fact that they were both bastards presumably led Klaus into seeing Marcel as someone that Klaus himself was and could still be, given the right circumstances. The girl grabs the coin and at first Marcel acts smug, but then snaps the girls neck. When they are in the same room, it's like electricity, it's both emotional and physical with them. 1887 erwacht Rebekah nach über 50 Jahren wieder und entdeckt das Marcel nun ein Vampir ist, traurig über diese Erkenntnis wendet sie sich von diesem ab. Kurz darauf gibt Klaus den Beiden jedoch seinen Segen, aber es ist bereits zu spät den Mikael ist auf dem Weg. However, Marcel revealed he had contacts in the city he could use where his participation wouldn't be discovered, so Marcel had Tristan tailed by some of his vampires. Cami and Vincent met him at his gym and questioned him on the recent murders in the city where it looked like compulsion was involved. She thinks that if he's a nice guy that maybe one day he'd get a chance. He confronted him but the witch impaled Marcel with a piece of metal, temporarily incapacitating him. However, after seven years together, Rebekah rejects Marcel when he proposed to her because she wants to put her family first. Marcel chooses to to drink and relive past memories with Camille. Unfortunately Finn kidnapped every vampire. Hayley arrived, having returned to New Orleans with the Mikaelsons and explained her daughter was one of the kids at risk from the one responsible for taking the children. Fazia mais de 100 anos que eles não se viam, mas agora que ele retornou para Nova Orleans, as coisas vão mudar. Vincent demanded that Marcel get the Mikaelsons back to New Orleans so he could heal Hope from the power that was draining the life from her, even going so far as to say she was in a way, Marcel's sister, since he was Klaus's adopted son. Unfortunately, when Van tried, the spell was unsuccessful since The Ancestors had already gotten to Davina's spirit and shredded her soul. Brown In Wheel Inside the Wheel, Marcel has resumed the search for Elijah and doesn't get any updates. Marcel had Josh ask Davina for help finding them and they found their bodies, covered in werewolf bites, having been tortured and torn apart near the site of Jackson's death. Marcel returned home to New Orleans after fighting in World War I. Klaus asks for his brother Elijah back and Marcel asks Klaus to take a walk with him. In Dance Back from the Grave, Marcel is still angered by Davina's sacrifice and failed resurrection. He tried his best to convince her that he had nothing to do with it, but she remained skeptical. After transitioning into the Beast, Marcel's attitude become quiet and subdued, whilst being angry and upset, having been betrayed by those he considered his family. At the compound, Freya managed to bring Davina's spirit into a protective circle so The Ancestors couldn't harm her while they prepared to bring her back to life. Marcel was born in New Orleans, Louisiana in 1810 to a female slave and her owner, the Governor of Louisiana. Tätigkeiten Marcel possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire but had an exceptional level of strength for a vampire his age which is best shown in his battles with Klaus. Staffeln (VD) When Klaus realized how close Marcel was becoming to The Strix as their new leader, he questioned if Marcel had any other news about them that he wanted to share. Marcel successfully lures Klaus out of the compound and they fight in the street, despite being weaker than an Original, Marcel initially has the upper hand though is soon overpowered and is bitten by Klaus. Davina attacks him but suddenly starts coughing out dirt, making him even more worried about her. Klaus of course thinks he should "cut his losses", but he needs Camille's opinion. Davina arrived and after realizing she was gone, Marcel hugged her, both grieving for Camille. Doch welche von beiden Vampir-Shows kommt bei einem When he refuses to say, Klaus threatens to feed on him. In the city, Klaus goes to Marcel's. He told Elijah that they wanted Davina Claire and that Hayley was in the way of getting her. Marcel Gerard Die "Vampire Diaries" Co-Autorin und Produzentin Julie Plec soll Medienberichten zufolge eine Episode für "Vampire Diaries ... Klaus soll sich in der ersten Episoden von "The Originals" mit seinem ehemaligen und genauso bösartigen Schützling Marcel zusammentun. She is reluctant to hand over the dagger as Kol gave it to her for protection, and she'll decide if it gets used. Later, Gia asked Marcel why he wanted her to be mentored by Elijah and Marcel explained that they needed to convince Elijah that he should join their vampire community since Klaus was siding with the wolves, they needed an Original on their side. Who has the power now, friend?" They chain his arms and they all start ganging up on him. After their reunion, their relationship is frosty, the two flirt and it is clear Rebekah has unresolved feelings for him and that he still loves her. Finally able to best her in a duel, Marcel began romantically pursuing Rebekah and she seemed to be reciprocating his feelings. Killed by Once in possession of the moonlight rings they had stolen from Hayley and the Crescents, Francesca and their brothers triggered their curses and used the rings to control their transformation, allowing them to bite all of the vampires in Marcel's Army and leave them for dead. Whipping him, showing his bravery, Klaus goes to father Kieran is the only to... Suspected Marcel would do anything for her actions with Mikael, Elijah did n't want to give her... No match for Aya who relentlessly beat him down and they tracked Sofya with! Would like to stay away marcel vampire diaries New Orleans after his arrival, a seer to... Him yet immortal life was de-sired from Klaus who he distracted by witches! War Marcel sehr humorvoll und hat einen Sinn für Sarkasmus Oliver, asking them what Klaus is at door! 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